Matt + Sarah

Get know the 19 (whoops! Sarah's bad!) other most important people (Minus our parents, of course) of our big day!


Stephanie Comstock

Maid of Honor // Sister of the Bride // Dog and Coffee Enthusiast

Stephanie is the only sibling of the bride. She is as sharp as a tack and as such, the Comstock family refers to her as the "brain". An aspiring lawyer, don't get in an argument with this sister (actually, don't get into one with'll lose especially if they're on the same side). Stephanie & Sarah enjoy going out for sushi, watching best picture Oscar movies at the Cinebarre, and stealing each other's clothes. The one who's known Sarah the longest, Stephanie sure does have some dirt on Sarah.

Fun fact: Stephanie almost stole Sarah's birthday, being born one day before Sarah's fourth birthday.




Bridesmaid // High School Best Friend // Lord of the Rings Aficionado

If Matt had never come along, Sarah and Sarah would have been perfectly content drinking wine and watching their favorite shows and movies (Matt can attest--there are many) together for the rest of time. BFFs since their volleyball days at Seattle Prep starting in 2004, Sarah (Falcone) is one of the funniest people Sarah (Comstock) knows (sorry, Matt). Always knowing if Comstock needs a shoulder to cry on, a joke to laugh at, a glass of wine to enjoy, Falcone & Comstock are two birds of a feather. Currently living in Australia, Sarah just completed her Masters in Speech Pathology. WOOOOOOW!

Fun fact: both Sarahs' moms' names are Mary....will this twin name trend continue?! Stay tuned...


Kyle Kittrell

Groomsman // Moses Lake Sanity Keeper // Horror Junkie

Kyle spent two solid years side-by-side with Matt making french fries (the two of them probably know more than you'd ever want to about potatoes and how to cook them). When they aren't watching movies or foolishly dancing to N*SYNC songs while pumping gas, Kyle and Matt enjoy talking constantly about how they will someday get around to actually finishing up Kyle's basement into the ultimate man cave. They swear they'll actually get it done this summer, so feel free to check back for updates.

Fun Fact: Kyle actually runs a youtube channel in which he reviews horror movies, appropriately titled horrorjunkies509.


Kimmi Price

Bridesmaid // College Bestie // Discoverer of the Best Wineries

Kimberlee & Sarah met their first year at Washington Sate University (Go Cougs!) in 2008 while in the same sorority. From frat parties in sticky basements, poor boy choices, tailgating together for 10 years at Kimmi's mom's (Hi Lori!) tailgate, to wine tasting across the state of Washington, being in each other's weddings (!!), & all that in between, Kimmi & Sarah have witnessed each other's best & worst in their prime growing-up years. A devoted teacher, wife, & mom to two doggos, Kimmi can talk to anyone--so be sure to grab a drink at cocktail hour with Kimmi to hear some epic Sarah stories.

Fun fact: Kimmi can open a beer can with her fingernail...she's that cool.


Austin Espejo

Groomsman // Cousin // Beat Maker

Austin and Matt have been close since birth, enjoying combining Lincoln Logs and playing basketball over the years. Don't be frightened if you hear these two insulting one another or calling each other names, it's actually how they show love for one another. When not losing to Matt at anything and everything, Austin splits his time caring for his daughter, producing music for both himself and others, and as a visual artist for Farmers Market Hawaii.

Fun Fact: Austin's music has made some impact in Hawaii, getting on numerous radio stations and he has even gotten attention from MTV (back when they cared about music).


Axie Dompier

Bridesmaid // WSU Sorority Sister & Bestie // Runner Extraordinaire

Axie and Sarah met at WSU when Axie made the right choice and pledged Kappa Alpha Theta in 2009. Axie is Sarah's cornerstone, voice of reason, and is always there to plan a girls' night, bachlorette party, or wine tasting adventure. No seriously--every month Axie has something planned to get the gals together. This fifth grade teacher is one of the most organized and generous people Sarah knows--she is always ready to jump in when there's a friend in need. A smooth operator, Axie convinced Sarah to sign up and COMPLETE two half marathons (whew! and ouch!). Make sure you find Axie at the reception--she knows all about the "Sarah takes a tumble" series.

Fun fact: Axie recently completed her first full marathon (that's 26.2 miles, people) in Disney World. Wow!!!!


Billy Elms

Groomsman // High School and College Friend // Harry Potter Lover

Billy and Matt met freshman year of high school and spent years together in Spanish classes and digital media class, combining for some of the most entertaining videos nearly nobody has ever seen including mockeries of MTV Cribs starring some of the other groomsmen on this page. In freshman year of college, Billy was a major influence in Matt getting back into soccer after an injury hiatus that spread across way too many years. Since his years living with and motivating Matt to always be better, Billy has since moved to California, where he is enjoying all the new adventures life is bringing him.

Fun Fact: Billy was so obsessed with Harry Potter that every time a new book came out, he would reread every book that had come out before it so he would be properly prepared for the new book.

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Quincy Thomas

Bridesmaid // WSU Sorority Sister & Bestie & First Theta Roomie // Bad-ass Black Belt

Like Axie, Sarah and Quincy met when Quincy pledged Kappa Alpha Theta in 2009 AND moved into the house right away, becoming Sarah's roommate. Their first adventure together was traveling to Dissmore's Grocery Store after Quincy lost her beloved Bag Balm so Q could get a new one. It was dramatic. After that, Quincy and Sarah were inseparable during their college years--and boy, do these two have stories. Quincy has the best laugh in the world and has become an extraordinary career woman at the Fairmont Olympic Hotel (sound familiar?! Yeah, that's were we're getting married). Because of this, Sarah, Matt, & company are now lovingly referred to at the Fairmont as FoQ (Friend of Quincy's). You can find this one tearing up the dance floor.

Fun fact: Don't get in her way, Qunicy is a black belt in Tae Kwan Do. Sarah's seen her break boards!


Santo Saldana

Groomsman // College Roommate // Backflip Extraordinaire

Santo and Matt have been friends since high school, becoming extremely close when Santo pulled Matt back to his second love, Dungeons & Dragons. Through three years as roommates, adventures into Kalalau Valley, and countless hours of World of Warcraft with Billy as a three man wrecking crew, Matt and Santo have gone through a lot together. Matt has leaned on Santo on many an occasion and Santo has always been there to offer wise counsel and a helping hand, including when he came to visit Matt up at WSU after their time as roommates came to a close.

Fun Fact: Santo bought Matt his first alcoholic drink at may or may not have been a Lava Flow.


Maureen Soto

Bridesmaid // Seattle Prep Bestie // Gonzaga University's Biggest Fan

Maureen and Sarah met during the fall of 2004 when both tried out for Seattle Prep's vollyball team. Maureen (obvi) made the JV team while Sarah made the freshmen (LOL) team. Their friendship blossomed throughout high school (Sarah miraculously made the Varsity team her junior year), college, and now as adults in each others' weddings (!!!). The two lovingly refer to each other as samesies as they wind up doing, wearing, or saying the same things. Maureen made the most epic mixed CDs in high school (am I dating myself here?) and could always somehow manage to create the exact playlist needed for any moment. Sarah still has these CDs.

Fun fact: "You've Got a Friend in Me" is very meaningful to this Buzz and Woody combo. Find Maureen at the reception and ask her who's who (there's also a Rex and Mr. Potato Head).


Everett Awong

Groomsman // High School Friend // Semi-Professional Movie Quoter

Lasting as acquaintances through most of high school, Matt and Everett became great friends when Santo pulled everyone in for weekly Dungeons & Dragons games every Monday of senior year. Their friendship blossomed quickly and strengthened over the years, with Everett's house often acting as the gang's headquarters every summer of college when they would all get together. Constantly there to bring levity and comfort to every situation, Everett has always been a friend Matt could rely on.

Fun Fact: Matt and Everett were undefeated as a team during the one and only badminton afternoon at the Saldana house.


Taylor Opitz

Bridesmaid // WSU Sorority Sister & Bestie // Golden Girls Groupie

Taylor (T.O.) and Sarah met when Taylor ALSO made the right choice and pledged Kappa Alpha Theta Sarah's sophomore year (are you getting the theme, here?!) Fiercely loyal, wickedly funny, and one to pop the champagne at the drop of a hat, Taylor and Sarah's friendship really did its growing after they both graduated college. As a flight attendant, Taylor flies the friendly skies always--if you're lucky you'll be on her flight up to Seattle or back to your home. Sarah and Taylor are usually found sipping some wine and watching their favorite movie, The Holiday, featuring their favorite character Mr. Napkinhead, also known as Jude Law.

Fun fact: Taylor says she's like Dorothy from The Golden Girls because she's levelheaded and a natural leader, but sees herself in all four.


Vincent Gardner

Groomsman // Coworker // Texas' Biggest Fan

Vince and Matt met initially as coworkers when they opened up the BFI4 fulfillment center for Amazon. Over the course of two-plus years, Vince and Matt have handled everything the fulfillment gods could throw at them, but all the broken conveyors and malfunctioning equipment have only made their relationship stronger. When not dedicating himself to work, Vince likes to spend his time hunting (seriously, he once spent three days in a tree waiting for deer to come by and left with no deer, but still claimed it to be an amazing time).

Fun Fact: When it is said that Vince is the biggest fan of Texas, it means the state. Literally...he is absolutely crazy about how amazing of a place Texas is. We're pretty sure he's contractually obligated to say at least three good things about Texas a day.


Lauren Murray

Bridesmaid // High School Bestie AND fellow Theta // The Only Person Who Hasn't Watched Game of Thrones

Lauren and Sarah met in 2004 when they were freshmen at Seattle Prep. Even though they went to rival elementary schools, these two formed a tight friendship AND carpooled togehter in Lauren's trusty Jetta, Jessica. An amazingly loyal friend, Lauren routinely visited Sarah at WSU each year before she went back to her own college AND ALSO pledged Kappa Alpha Theta at her university. A San Francisco dweller, Lauren and Sarah have remained close since their high school days and while full-time travelling for work, Sarah became an SF frequent in Lauren's apartment. Find Lauren at the cocktail hour and ask her to recount Sarah's first beer experience in high school (Sorry, Mom and Dad).

Fun fact: Lauren and Sarah both studied abroad in and both brought back beer steins (the big ones). Since then, they occasionally break out the steins for wine night and the steins take on an alter ego known as wine-steins...let's just say it's a lot of wine.


Matt Andreacola

Groomsman // Work Friend // Hiking Enthusiast

Dubbed with the nickname Cola due to the existence of three Matts all on the same work crew, Matt met Matt (see this is why nicknames exist) when the two began working together for Amazon (at the same time as Vince). Even though they no longer work in the same building, Hanley and Cola still get together and have dinner, go hiking, or do other outdoor activities together when the weather permits it. Whenever they get together, they always have a good time talking about life and all that entails, getting lost in conversation on work, the interesting paths they have taken in life, and going back and forth about how they need to get together and play video games someday. They're terrible at following through with plans, but love each other all the same, even if it never does actually end up happening.

Fun Fact: Cola and his wife (Mrs. Cola aka Kacey) travelled across Europe together shortly after graduating from college.